Moto G9 Power has been launched in India as a budget-centric handset. Features of the handset include a triple-rear camera setup, a 6,000 mAh battery, and more. Further, the device comes with an IP52-rated water-repellent coating which can be a plus point for the handset. Moto G9 Power price, sale Motorola UK tweeted to announce […]
Tag: motorola
2020 5 Best battery 6000mAh phones June
1. Vivo Y50 Now, starting with the first handset enters our list of the best battery phones in June: Vivo Y50. As we know, the smartphone launched in April with impressive design and a huge battery. In detail, Vivo Y50 specs include a 6.53-inch IPS LCD with a resolution of 1080 x 2400 pixels. This phone ships […]